The IME: A Transparent, Regulated and Reliable Platform to Trade Metals, Minerals, Petrochemicals and Agricultural Commodities, An Unparalleled Hub for Financial and Derivatives Products

IME Exports Bitumen, Sulfur, Copper Cathodes and Slack Wax

On Wednesday, November 17, 2021, the IME witnessed trade of 35,550 tonnes of bitumen, 6,000 tonnes of sulfur, 3,000 tonnes of copper cathodes and 208 tonnes of insulation on its export ring.
IME Exports Bitumen, Sulfur, Copper Cathodes and Slack Wax

According to a report by the IME's international affairs and PR, the exchange traded on its oil and petrochemical trading floor 20,000 tonnes of vacuum bottom, 8,316 tonnes of chemicals, 1,677 tonnes of polymeric products and 25 tonnes of bitumen.


Next trading floor was the metals and minerals with 31,407 tonnes of I-beam, rebar, angle and steel blooms, 1,000 tonnes of copper cathodes and 2,015 tonnes of precious metals concentrate trade on it.

Furthermore, the exchange sold 88 tonnes of dioctyl phthalate (DOP) and 18 tonnes of metal scraps on its side market.


It's worth noting that the IME initiated today trading of premium contracts on metal and mineral products, among which the offerings of steel blooms by Sirjan Jahan Steel Complex, Chadormalu Mining and Industrial Company and South Kaveh Steel Company were widely welcomed by the IME's customers purchasing in total 175,000 tonnes of steel within 27 contracts. Also, the exchange sold 120 tonnes of copper cathodes offered by the National Iranian Copper Industries Company in 6 twenty-tonne lots, totaling the number of premium contacts traded today to 33.

Author: IME International Affairs

ID: 50076491

Published on: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 19:00

Source: IME PR

View count: 25


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