The IME: A Transparent, Regulated and Reliable Platform to Trade Metals, Minerals, Petrochemicals and Agricultural Commodities, An Unparalleled Hub for Financial and Derivatives Products

Quality Policies

IME Quality Policies

IME by considering its quality policies based on the fundamental concepts in quality management such as Customer Focus, Continuous Improvement, Value of Every Associate, has adopted ISO 9001:2000 as one of its procedures to develop the quality of management activities and following goals like: Content Customers, Higher Revenues, Lower Costs and Versed Employees.


IME Main Quality Policies are as below:

1- Setting perspectives and codification of transparent long-term and mid-term goals,

2- Setting annual goals and management approach based on objectives and results,

3- Employing scientific methods in the quality management procedure,  

4- Establishing a logical, consistent and coherent connection among market participants, organizations influencing IME, the media, shareholders and employees activities,

5- Identifying and meeting the needs of active and potential market participants, improving standards and efforts to enhance quality of services,

6- Providing a competitive, transparent and fair market for the activities of producers, suppliers and customers of the listed commodities in IME,

7- Expanding services and creating diversity in trading instruments including a variety of product-based securities tailored to the needs of market participants,

8- Providing underpinning for utilizing the risk management and fair price discovery instruments,

9- Creating sustainable competitive advantages in order to increase the company's capability to act in international arena,

10- Endeavoring to build confidence and improve the company's reputation,

11- Attracting market participants and increasing the continuous penetration rate in exchange inside and outside of Iran,

12- Expanding electronic trading as the main platform in IME in accordance with the development of infrastructure in Iran,

13- Developing international activities so as to gain the right position in the global capital market,

14- Improving knowledge and skills level of employees through systematic training,

15- Attracting and developing employees' participation in corporate governance in order to enhance their productivity and shar the results with them,

16- Strengthening the teamwork spirit among the staff to create evolution in IME.


Trading Board

 Contact us
No.351, Taleghani Ave., Tehran, Iran
Zip Code: 1593649313
Phone: +98 (21) 8564-4012, +98 (21) 8564-4013
Fax: +98 (21) 8838-3000



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