The IME: A Transparent, Regulated and Reliable Platform to Trade Metals, Minerals, Petrochemicals and Agricultural Commodities, An Unparalleled Hub for Financial and Derivatives Products

Happened on Wednesday

Trading Iron Rails on Metal and Mineral Trading Floor

On Wednesday, September 2, 2020, the metal and mineral trading floor of the Iran Mercantile Exchange played host to trading of 1,200 MT of iron rails.
Trading Iron Rails on Metal and Mineral Trading Floor

According to the report by the IME’s International Affairs and PR, 635 MT of copper rod, 100 MT of copper cathode, 37,000 MT of rebar basket, 17,160 MT of I-beam basket, 5,000 MT of metallurgical coke, 140 MT of zinc ingot, 616 MT of rebar coil, 770 MT of U-channel and 1,518 MT of I-beam were traded on the same trading floor.

The oil and petrochemical trading floor experienced trading of 28,438 MT of polymer products, 18,171 MT of chemical products, 2,503 MT of bitumen, 42,000 MT of VB feed stock, 300 MT of base oil and 1,000 MT of sulfur.

The export ring of the IME witnessed trading of 12,280 MT of bitumen.

The side market of the IME experienced trading of 200 MT of normal paraffin and 2,584 MT of tomato paste.

Author: International Affairs and PR

ID: 50073854

Published on: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 17:00

Source: Iran Mercantile Exchange

View count: 19


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