The IME: A Transparent, Regulated and Reliable Platform to Trade Metals, Minerals, Petrochemicals and Agricultural Commodities, An Unparalleled Hub for Financial and Derivatives Products


Cement Ranks First on the Second Day of the Week

On Sunday, August 14, 2022, commodities traded on IME weight 812,422 tonnes.
Cement Ranks First on the Second Day of the Week

According to a report by the IME's International Affairs and PR, there were 300 tonnes of aluminum billets, 1,500 tonnes of low-grade copper, 4,850 tonnes of 1000lb aluminum ingots, 10,000 tonnes of sponge iron, 75 tonnes of zinc ingots, 4,050 tonnes of copper cathodes and 100 tonnes of aluminum hydroxide traded on its metals and minerals trading floor.

Based on this report, customers purchased 18,000 tonnes vacuum bottom and 30 tonnes of precious metals concentrate on the IME's open auction trading floor.

Moreover, the IME's cement trading floor sold 658,532 tonnes of cement.

It's worth noting as well that the IME's export ring played host to trades of 48,090 tonnes of bitumen, 4,000 tonnes of granular sulfur and 400 tonnes of insulation.

On its oil and petrochemical trading floor the IME sold 2,518 tonnes of polymeric products, 3,222 tonnes of chemicals, 230 tonnes of bitumen, 506 tonnes of slack wax and 1,500 tonnes of sulfur.

Last but not least was the IME's side market with 25 tonnes of aluminum oxide traded on it.

Author: IME International Affairs

ID: 50078228

Published on: Sunday, August 14, 2022 17:00

Source: IME PR

View count: 29


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