The IME: A Transparent, Regulated and Reliable Platform to Trade Metals, Minerals, Petrochemicals and Agricultural Commodities, An Unparalleled Hub for Financial and Derivatives Products

IME Weekly Report

Value of Trades Rose by 14% on IME

Within the week ending on July 9th, 2021, the IME witnessed trade of 1,322,000 tonnes of commodities worth more than 486 million dollars, showing 30% and 14 % of growth in volume and volume of trade respectively, as compared to the previous week.
Value of Trades Rose by 14% on IME

 According to a report by the IME's international affairs and PR, the exchange sold on its metals and minerals trading floor 945,515 tonnes of commodities valued at nearly 305 million USD.

 Commodities traded on this floor included 342,413 tonnes of steel, 3,32 tonnes of copper, 5,450 tonnes of aluminum, 27 tonnes of precious metals concentrate, 28,605 tonnes of zinc, 475,750 tonnes of cement, 10 kg of gold bars, 13,000 tonnes of sponge iron and 80,000 tonnes of iron ore.

 Furthermore, the IME saw trade of 372,006 tonnes of commodities on both export pits of its oil and petrochemical trading floor with a total trading value of more than 179 million USD.

The IME's customers purchased on this floor 93,500 tonnes of vacuum bottom, 109,405 tonnes of bitumen, 84,402 tonnes of polymeric products, 30,739 tonnes of chemicals, 32,000 tonnes of lube cut, 3,795 tonnes of base oil, 110 tonnes of argon, 25,500 tonnes of sulfur and 260 tonnes of insulation.

It's worth noting that the IME also played host to trading 5,080 tonnes of commodities on its side market.


Author: IME International Affairs

ID: 50075704

Published on: Saturday, July 10, 2021 17:00

Source: IME PR

View count: 47


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