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Remembrance Day of Glorious Lady Umm al-Banin

13th of Jumada al-Thani (27th of January) is remembered and honoured in Iran as the anniversary of Lady Umm al-Banin demise and the day of mothers and spouses of Iranian martyrs.
Remembrance Day of Glorious Lady Umm al-Banin

Lady Umm al-Banin (mother of the sons) is one of the most honourable Shi'a personalities, who married Ali Ibn Abi Talib, the first Imam of Shi'ites, after the demise of Fatima al-Zahra, daughter of the Holy Prophet of Islam and first wife of Imam Ali.

 She was chosen to be Imam Ali's spouse because of her good lineage, as she belonged to Banu Kilab tribe who were famous among Arabs for bravery. She gave birth to four sons all of whom were martyred in Ashura Battle, standing by Imam Hussein, their half-blood brother and the third Imam of Shi'ites.

 Her first son Abbas Ibn Ali is to Shi'ites the epitome of bravery and faithfulness, whose tomb along with Imam Hussein's is one the Shi'a Holy Shrines located in Karbala, Iraq.  

Author: IME International Affairs

ID: 50074670

Published on: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 12:00

Source: IME PR

View count: 26


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