The IME: A Transparent, Regulated and Reliable Platform to Trade Metals, Minerals, Petrochemicals and Agricultural Commodities, An Unparalleled Hub for Financial and Derivatives Products


Trade of Saffron on IME

On Monday, May 22, 2023, the IME witnessed trade of 400 kg of saffron on its agricultural trading floor.
Trade of Saffron on IME

According to a report by the IME's International Affairs and PR, there were 129,650 tonnes of steel blooms, 25 tonnes of aluminum hydroxide and 24 tonnes of rebars traded on its metals and minerals trading floor.

Based on this report, IME's oil and petrochemical trading floor saw trade of 28,218 tonnes of polymeric products, 2,232 tonnes of base oil and 1,850 tonnes of chemicals.

IME's open auction trading floor was the next which saw trade of 33,000 tonnes of steel slabs type C and 506 tonnes of PVC.

It's worth noting as well that the IME's export ring saw trade of 40,898 tonnes of bitumen and 100 tonnes of insulation.

Also, the IME sold 147,045 tonnes of cement on its cement trading floor.

Last was the IME's side market which saw trade of 2,800 tonnes of steel blooms, 1,000 tonnes of phosphate concentrate, 250 tonnes of butadiene, 3 tonnes of bulk continuous filament (BCF), 30 tonnes of glass wool and 25 tonnes of heavy oil.

Author: IME International Affairs

ID: 50079879

Published on: Monday, May 22, 2023 20:00

Source: IME PR

View count: 83


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